CONGRESS "One Health, in practice ?"
March 17th 2021 - VetAgro Sup - Marcy l'Étoile
Virtual edition 2021
All living beings and the interactions that bind them, among themselves and with the environment in which they live, are in constant evolution, under the effect of natural and anthropogenic selection processes. Humans are part of biodiversity and, as such, interact with other living beings and could not live without them. His health is therefore intimately linked to that of animals, plants and, more broadly, to that of the ecosystems within which life evolves. The concept of "one health" derives from this obviousness and requires a better understanding of the interrelationships between human health, animal health, plant health and ecosystem health.
The Covid-19 crisis reminds us of the complexity and all the uncertainty of the interactions between human and animal health as well as the global environments in which it takes place. For these living beings that we exploit, select or protect seem to have escaped our control, generating a global pandemic and, with it, bring guilt to the human population, which becomes responsible, through its impact on nature, for the emergence of the virus and its rapid spread in the majority of countries around the world.
This Congress proposes to contribute to the reflection on transitions towards a more preventive and sustainable model, by mobilizing all stakeholders to continue to co-construct solutions and recommendations for public action. To do so, it will be based on both reflections on what already exists and the views of practitioners, alternating a phase of plenary lectures and workshops. A few themes have been chosen for this first meeting. To illustrate the complexity of living organisms at the microscopic level, workshop 1 is devoted to microbiotes. However, this complexity must also be considered by reintegrating it into the organizational, economic and development frameworks that have been highlighted by the COVID crisis 19. Workshops 2, 3 and 4 address the links between agriculture and food at the heart of the emergence of infectious pathologies, the more integrated consideration of wildlife and, finally, the impacts of a massive use of biocides on cross-resistance. Finally, our reflection will benefit from combining a reflection on public policies, particularly on the links between the scales of public action (territorial, national, European and international) in workshops 5 and 6, with a prospective analysis of the training of the various stakeholders, starting with health professionals in workshop 7. By bringing together actors from various horizons, the conference proposes to put our model of health crisis management under discussion and to think about the contours of a new governance of health at the national, European and international levels.
In particular, this congress proposes four levels of questioning:
-What is the scientific knowledge in human and veterinary medicine, ecology or social sciences on which the debate is based?
-What is the status of public policies in the territories?
-How to think about the relationship between local initiatives, national steering and European and international standards?
What training for decision-makers and healthcare professionals?
We will therefore move from a state of science and public policies to proposals and recommendations for action, from research to local policies, in our territories, our socio-ecosystems.
This conference will thus allow different actors to cross their views, between scientists, decision-makers and public actors, with a view to mutual enrichment, in order to think about the contours of public policies.
In collaboration with France Nature Environnement - Fédération des Syndicats Vétérinaires de France - Humanité et Biodiversité - Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité - Association Santé Environnement France VetAgro Sup has decided to launch the Virtual edition of the 1st “One Health, in practice” Congress
Click on WHO'S WHO ? at the top of the website to know the differents workshops contributors
Workshop 1
Workshop 2
Agriculture and food: causes and solutions to infectious emergencies
Workshop 3
What are the processes for more integrated consideration of wildlife?
Workshop 4
Biocides and drugs : impacts in the environment, what alternatives ?
Workshop 5
Territories, what public actions ?
Workshop 6
Which international / European model of health risk management ?
Workshop 7
Educating health care professionals
EXCITING KEYNOTE LECTURES given by the most important scientists and policy makers in the French One Health arena.
With Emmanuelle SOUBEYRAN and Nathalie GUERSON
Introduction & cross debates
Chair : Léonie VAROBIEFF with Charlotte DUNOYER - French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Marion VITTECOQ and Gwénaël VOURC'H
Hélène SOUBELET, French Foundation for Biodiversity Research : " Will we be able to escape the era of pandemics ? From Nipah to SarsCov2 "
Catherine LARRERE, Professor of Philosophy : " Health & Environmental inequalities "
Carine MILCENT, Paris School of Economics Professor : " Health economics, an international perspective on societal choice"
Restitution of recommendations of the 7 workshops
Studies and prospective
Chair : Julien FOSSE with Monique ELOIT, Elisabeth TOUTUT-PICARD, Roger GENET- Pierre DUBREUIL and Jean-François MATTÉI
Conclusion of the day
Work in progress
Feel free to contact us for any question
Amandine GAUTIER
Chercheuse en sociologie et science politique - Responsable du pôle SHS et One Health / ENSV-FVI-VetAgro Sup
Inspecteur Stagiaire de Santé Publique Vétérinaire / ENSV-FVI-VetAgro Sup
Sébastien GARDON
Inspecteur Stagiaire de Santé Publique Vétérinaire et Docteur en science politique / ENSV-FVI-VetAgro Sup
Chargée de mission ingénierie de formation / ENSV-FVI-VetAgro Sup